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An Introduction to Motivational Interviewing

Live Online | 1 Day | 1st June

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Create the conversation for change with Motivational Interviewing


introductory course in motivational interviewing technique

As a client-centred approach, Motivational Interviewing (MI) is chiefly concerned with promoting an individual’s own capabilities to bring about change of problematic health-related behaviours. Ambivalence about changing or maintaining the status quo is seen as a natural part of the change process.


MI (Motivational Interviewing) is one of the most robustly evidence-based talk therapies. It has developed a strong utility in addiction treatment and other mental health difficulties such as eating disorders, anxiety, suicidality and depression. It is currently being implemented in diverse settings and practitioners such as nurses, doctors, care givers, psychiatrists, counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists hold MI as part of their professional identity. The spirit of MI emphasises partnership, compassion, and acceptance. It fosters open and collaborative dialogue and its applications in organisational and multicultural settings continue to be explored.


Who is this course for?  

This one-day training workshop is recommended for anybody with an interest in developing a familiarity with the spirit and principles of the theory and application of this counselling approach. It is aimed at professionals in healthcare settings, and anyone that anticipates working therapeutically with people in the future. Training involves lecture material, discussion, and skills development. It is designed to both enhance or refresh developing MI knowledge and skills you may already have, but also to thoroughly introduce the approach to newcomers. The workshop is delivered by a member of Motivational Interview Network of Trainers (MINT).


What are the benefits of doing this course? 

Participants will develop a familiarity with the spirit and principles of MI in addition to an understanding of the application of this counselling approach. Skills gained through engagement on this workshop can be transferred into many aspects of professional one to one work.


What will you learn?

Training involves lecture material, discussion, and skills development. This one day workshop will orient attendees to all the broad tenets of MI using theory, conversation, and skills practice, with an emphasis on how it may be applied in their own areas of work.


Course Details


DURATION: 1 Day    START DATE: 1st June 2025


TIMETABLE: Sunday from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm 


AWARD: PCI College Certificate of Attendance


VENUE: Live Online




The workshop will orient attendees to all the broad tenets of MI using theory, conversation, and skills practice, with an emphasis on how it may be applied in their own areas of work. The main content will include:

  • Understanding and defining how Motivational Interviewing was developed
  • Theoretical background and research base
  • The Spirit of MI
  • The principles and processes of MI
  • Understanding ambivalence and motivation
  • The psycholinguistics of change and commitment
  • Clinician stance and avoiding traps
  • MI applications in diverse settings
  • How to build on your skills after the workshop

Entry Requirements



This is a CPD workshop specifically designed for Counsellors & Psychotherapist or other helping professionals with therapeutic experience and students currently in professional training. BSc Counselling & Psychotherapy students in Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 of their studies are all invited to apply for this CPD workshop.


IT SKILLS: Students require sufficient IT skills to complete the course.


Students can expect to be provided with advice and support concerning any learning difficulties that they may encounter. Any diagnosed learning difficulty, e.g. dyslexia, must be noted on the application.

Course Fees



Full Price: £85

PCI College Graduate Price*: £75

PCI College BSc/MSc Student & Alumni Member Discount Price: £65 - Join Alumni group on LinkedIn here to avail of discount.

*PCI College Graduate rate applies to BSc Degree and Postgraduate students only.



Applicants are invited to book online using the book now. Applications must be accompanied by the payment of the full course fee. Applicants are entitled to a refund if they decide to cancel within 14 days of receipt of their booking, and didn't participate on the course. Please note that the name used on your application needs to be the same name that you have on your passport.


Fees are non-refundable in all personal circumstances. The College makes every effort to avoid altering course times, course commencement and conclusion dates. However, should any changes be necessary, you will be notified at the earliest opportunity. All courses run subject to demand and the formation of a viable class cohort. A full refund will be given to all applicants in the event that the class does not proceed


For more information, please visit our full Terms & Conditions page.

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Course Venues:   Athlone   |   Belfast   |   Carrick-on-Shannon   |   Cork   |   Dublin   |   Kilkenny   |   Limerick
